Thank you to all the past and present families for your unwavering support!
Fees include most field trip costs.
10% discount with siblings (3 or more full time).
We participate in the Government Initiative Program and discount our fees accordingly. Please call to inquire.
$40 initial registration fee due at the time of registration to enroll your child at Starlight Learning Centre. Registration renewal is June 1st and requires a $10 re - registration fee.
Affordable Childcare Benefit families require a deposit. It is the families responsibility to have the Affordable Childcare Benefit approved by the 15th of the month prior before it expires or families will have to pay fees upfront.
Please contact the facility for updated fee costs and to set up a tour.
We do offer part preschool hours, if we have kindergarten children in attendance in our daycare program, throughout the school year. We also will accommodate part-time days, example Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, based on availability.
We accommodate the transition weeks at the beginning of school in September. This is part of the full time rate for kindergartners. We do ask that families book in their child in the AM classes for the ease of picking up multiple schools during those first few weeks.
Full time fees include transportation to and from school, Pro D Days, and Christmas/Spring break holidays based on (pro rated) Sept. - June registration. The majority of outings (field trips) that have a cost associated will be covered by the facility, as well as all activities (crafts, cooking, science, special lunches, etc.).
We are open full time in the summer, with a very extensive summer program with weekly outings.
We accommodate part-time spaces / days based on demand. Registered full-time families have a priority for school closures, holidays, and summer break. Part-time families are a first-come-first-serve basis per month.
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